Bonnie's Reviews

Bonnie is my sweet mother-in-law. She sends my husband I emails of her reviews of movies, television, and restaurants. Due to requests from our friends to read Bonnie's emails, I've created this blog for her. Bonnie is a sweetheart, so no rude comments please! Move along meanies!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

30 Rock -- January 25, 2007

Last night we watched our TiVo recording of last week's "30 Rock." Nowthat was funny !

I laughed out loud for about half of it. I've never really found the show to be funny before. Alec Baldwin, trying over and over again to record a simple video, washilarious. Finally, he wasn't even able to walk normally, because he was analyzing everything.

I also thought his urging of the "product placement" of the G. E. oildrilling equipment in Liz Lemon's show was really funny, especially since everybody on the show keeps talking up Snapple as a great drink (and there is even a walking Snapple bottle in the studio). Product placement on "30 Rock" and probably on their show, too. She tells us how important the show is, and how she wants to keep it professional, and then approves a silly Abraham Lincoln gag.

I wonder if they'll be able to make the next show as funny. (It's usually just painful.)



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